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  • Ctsaezefzd lWaw

    By fusion2012
    You said that
  • Woodward Goes Back To His Cash Flow Subject

    By troyjjensen
    Honestly, I have been reading Woodward's books now for about 15 years. I thought this Nixon obsession was over...turns out, I was being naïve. I'm a Capitalist...and so is Woodward. And when he lacks compelling subjects for his next best seller, look back at his publishing history. He continually goes back to the man he destroyed over a truly ridiculous "third rate robbery" that took him from the $14,000 a year Post reporter to multi-millionaire author. Richard Nixon. I used to think from the drop Woodward had a warped obsession with this continual hatred of President Nixon. But this book is his worst effort yet. Nothing new is revealed here; indeed Butterfield was never an insider during the Nixon Administration. The narrative is almost non-excitant, this is a long Q&A session with a mid-level Nixon Administration figure who just blurts out the same old standard stories (which as we have seen of late even liberal historians are no debunking). As I Capitalist, I got it. Woodward needed another advance, and he went back to the cash flow well topic - Richard Nixon. I'm an independent born during the Ford administration voting Clinton this year - there is no ideological slant to my review. I thought I would learn more about a fascinating, complex and absolutely, a Presidential figure with obvious dark issues in his Realpolitik intentions. Don't bother. I just gave Woodward a chunk of his new Nixon cash flow stream for truly a terribly written and unraveling book. Woodward, even liberals have moved on. It's been over 40 years...nothing to see here. MOVE ALONG.