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  • I love this book

    By 28288:
    I really love this book. Everyone got their own opinions. This was my first book I Purchased on IBOOKS. -reading this book opened up a lot of avenues for me to learn and study. - the author is knowledgeable in a slang way and I connect real well because I’m young and I feel like the author is my friend from college. - I love the bad language, I’m from NYC, curse words is part of my vocabulary, lol. - the author knows what he is talking about. - the author was ahead of his time when he wrote this. - what the author said, I relate. I love this book. 10/10 5/5 Yes I do recommend others to read this. Thank you!
  • Good read

    By Vharr5
    Good read but has some very obvious typos. I do love how it focuses on getting men out of the pandemic if porn addiction and tips to move forward in life.
  • هاي

    By هاووو
  • Pretty good!

    By 313PJ!
    In my opinion this books hold a lot of information. It’s very useful and relatable the only thing that I found issues with was the grammatical errors. Other than that it was pretty good overall.
  • 🔥🔥🔥

    By DeVo D.
  • Yawn

    By landonm28
    Dont waste your time with this clickbait. Everything said was general knowledge
  • 4 star review

    By Joeyelzie3355
    I like the way the author gives detail and real life testimony instead of just ideas like most others. As I was reading this book I implemented the steps and things given by the author and already started to see change in my life and mood. The only problem I had was some misspelled, misplaced words, and missing words throughout the book. Other than that GREAT CONTENT!! ~KingDRIPP
  • Great book

    By Land083
    Very informative but more importantly practical. Of all the material I’ve read on this subject I think this book helps to diagnose the problem and find the solution to those internal limiting beliefs we give ourselves.
  • In between

    By Sasha12345668
    Too many grammar errors which is personally very distracting. Couldn’t get through the book but overall read halfway and it’s good content. Men shouldn’t just want to strive to have sex with as many woman but should work on themselves to have better options or an option. This book promotes a lot of things that can hurt women so it’s good to remind yourself to also not be out here using them just for self pleasure. The personal improvement parts are highly recommended.
  • I get the message but...

    By lex2499
    It’s incredibly repetitive and has way too many grammatical errors... perhaps it was typed out in the notes section of an android...