I love this book!
By Hcb23
Not just for males, I am a female. This book can be for females as well. It is one of my favorite books! I wish I could find more books by this author.
Good So Far
By Asaaaaaah!
I think it’s a good read with some interesting ideologies. I’m not finished yet so I can’t make an honest verdict. I do have to say that there are a ton of typos. Some are easy to read around and still get the message. Some ruin parts of the book and leave you confused wondering what the message was.
Great book!
By Ineedhelps
I enjoyed it, it was an easy read and I liked the short chapters. I plan on rereading it a half dozen times.. learned a ton and it aligned with everything I already knew, just hadn’t applied.
Alpha male
By Ashmicah79
Ok reading this book is wonderful and it had many good ideas but it does help if you can’t visualize I’m aphantsia which I can’t visualize what your trying to explain so I don’t understand how that part of the book is going help to a certain degree ..
Must read
By That dude Henry
Great Read!
By Natariel
I am feeling better about my life and how I can handle the women I'm seeing when they are angry. The book does require some edits in regards to spelling. But the content within is very valuable.
Entertaining and informative
By Coach_Dave
An enjoyable read. You need to be able to overlook the ubiquitous grammar mistakes, no idea how those were missed, but is only a minor distraction.
Great book
By Nopalito1996
This book is great it taught me a lot and has changed my life