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  • dark, raw and consuming addition to the Soul of Fire series.

    By Tome Tender
    Flameout is a dark, raw and consuming addition to the Soul of Fire series. Emberly, Phoenix, is still working with Jackson to find the collective leader of the virus infected humans. They seem to have hit an impasse in their battle against the virus but have been making some headway into the leader’s true identity. Someone with knowledge about Emberly’s powers is using that knowledge against her, trying to cap her abilities. Each time we turn around, Emberly is racking up more enemies as well as new alliances. Sam, Emberly’s soulmate, keeps delivering devastating blows at Emberly but the worse blow comes when you least expect it, practically ripping Emberly’s as well as our hearts out. The sexual encounters are flammable, and I mean that literally. Emberly requires flame to recharge her energy and the fates are cruel by choosing Sam as her soulmate. Arthur has created a magnificent world with an urban fantasy that hits home with its brutal but realistic tendencies. I am a big fan of Arthur’s writing but something in the pacing of this story kept me from absolutely loving it. Don’t get me wrong, great story that I will continue to follow but I wasn’t riveted to the pages as I have been with all her other works. I received this ARC copy of Flameout from Berkley Publishing Group - Signet in exchange for a honest review.