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  • The way to learn an app

    By Adam-PVC
    I have other books of this series and even my professor at my audio production class recommended them (the Pro Tools book). I wanted to learn FInal Cut by myself to dive a little bit into video editing, and as I thouhg, this book is the right choice. it explaines everything in details so I understand how Final Cut Pro x works.
  • Explained the righ way: Graphically

    By jutta809.fil
    I recommended the Logi Pro and GarageBand books to many friends and colleagues because this is, in my opinion, the right way how a software app should be explained, graphically. And with the major update of Final cut Pro X, I was ready to finally learn this app (no more sitting at the kiddy table with iMovies, it is grown-up time). No question, which way I started to learn it, yes, the graphically way with this book. I'm only a third into the book, but it feels so easy to learn FInal Cut with the help of all the graphics. I almost would say learning is fun again. Thanks Mr Rothermich for creating these GEMs
  • Thanks for such a great book

    By TimeoBarnert
    This book is just amazing. I started with FInal Cut Pro about a year ago when I moved up from iMovie, but was struggling since then. The Apple User Guide is not of much help. Then I saw on some Facebook group people are raving about that book and I must say, wow. All the graphics and diagrams and the way the author explains and introduces the features makes it so much easier to undertand what is going on in this app. Now I finally get it and it helped me to put the fun back into using FInal Cut Pro. Thanks, and super highly recommended.
  • Excellent!

    By tvalleau
    I've been using FCP since the day it came out. I've also been a software developer for almost 40 years. THIS is how documentation should be written! True, I personally knew most of the stuff in this book, but it is equally true that I found things that were new to me, and/or which became much clearer. If you're new to FCP, this is the one book to have. Highly recommended.
  • Another GEM

    By salinajj
    I have the original FCPx titles from this books series and waited and waited for the update, but finally it has arrived. Wow, another GEM, this time on over 400 pages. I will be up to speed with my favorite learning tool the "Graphically Enhanced Manuals". Now I understand how that audio stuff in FCPx works. Now it all makes sense. Thanks. BTW, I love the cute flash card functionality.