Secret Societies: The Hidden Conspiracy Theories Surrounding The World’s Most Mysterious Secret Organizations - William Myron Price

Secret Societies: The Hidden Conspiracy Theories Surrounding The World’s Most Mysterious Secret Organizations

By William Myron Price

  • Release Date: 2017-08-31
  • Genre: Social Science
Score: 3.5
From 132 Ratings


The history of the world brims with the whispers of secret societies. Much remains hidden from the knowledge of the common man and the mystery that trails secret societies, remain a part of the lesser known. Some of these elusive organizations have become laymen's knowledge but the information garnered is, more than often, vague and incomplete...

The lack of precise information and the persistence of the societies in staying away from the prying eyes of the public have led to the rise of umpteen conspiracy theories.

The origin of secret societies begins from time immemorial, and the history of the world is peppered with tales of such societies. Their greatest strength lies in their concealment.

Such forbidden knowledge has remained strictly guarded. Most acclaimed Secret Societies have been under government protection over the years and are actively involved in national and international events till date. These power-wielding groups brandish significant influence in important decisions made worldwide.

The purpose of this book is to put forth a historical and factual account of some of the conspiracy theories surrounding secret societies that exist in the contemporary world - stretching from the high profile Church of Scientology and the Bilderberg group, to the Illuminati...


  • Interesting

    By Myke784
    Quick and to the point.
  • Recommended.

    By IPhotoExpert66
    Fantastic research, studying world history about freemasonry & the Illuminati, & how they shape our world today, it’s exactly what the scripture has told us.
  • Don’t waste your time

    By tim24x7
    Absolutely the worst written book I have ever read in my life. Rambling and non-sensical.
  • I’ve learned something new

    By Beautifulher
    This book wasn’t too hard on the vocabulary for me, a bit challenging but I learned about what I wanted to learn about in this book. Which means success for me .
  • I’m not one for nonfiction novels.

    By its_jordan
    However, this book was really interesting and made good points, although I feel that the book doesn’t have facts to hold it’s theories and speaks only of the history of the matter.
  • Compelling and Historic

    By NopheeJones
    My 3 stars is by no way a negative review in the slightest. It’s fantastic, informative, and interesting. This books expands on the history and events that took place over time to bring us to the modern 2019 data we have on the Illuminati or secret societies. What I feel could have been improvements were I was looking for something more modern and perhaps more revealing in today’s standards than the past historical research. Overall, a great read. I recommend it.