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  • Worthless

    By Rcsjaw
    Author fails to see conspiracy of majority of media. Poorly written
  • Great story, but too much philosophy.

    By CD3020
    As one with a legal, trial background, I could not put this book down. It is a fascinating story. A third of the way through, though I had to began skimming through the author’s excruciating analogies to Machiavelli, Hitler, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and everyone else. Ok, we get it! Great battles and times require unique strategies. Then Trump gets thrown in at the end. Again, this was interesting except for the drawn out philosophical bs. Thiel is hard core enough to bring down Gawker AND support Trump. He gets it right half the time, maybe like most of us.
  • Yet again , another Holiday gem

    By JBconway
    I was initially concerned when I heard this would be Ryan's next book. It's so far off his other works that it was an immediate no-buy for me when I thought about release day. The topic did nothing for me but I caved in and bought it and it is a page turner for sure. I will buy anything this man puts out!
  • Great story, but I could do without ...

    By Longhorn5555
    ... the authors anti-trump lectures at the end. If I wanted political op ed pieces and Trump bashing I know where to go. Kudos to Peter Thiel and to Hulk Hogan.