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  • A cursed wolf

    By fcheavenly
    Overall rating: 4.6 I thoroughly enjoyed the path this story took Chase and Rosa on. Rosa’s veiled insecurities made seeking the resolution of this tale even sweeter. I was very happy that Chase was not written as stupid prideful. The threat these two characters faced brought the tale to ominous levels. This fairytale told is a definite page turner! A winner in my book! All of my reviews are always voluntarily written.
  • Great book

    By DasBeach420
    I absolutely loved this book. I have waiting what seems like forever to get Sir Chase’s story, and I have to say the wait was worth it and I fell in love with Rose from the very beginning. To anyone who likes romance and retelling to a childhood fairytale, I strongly recommend this book.
  • O my

    By Grandma PNR
    Good retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with magic and witches.It not your childhood fairy tale. A cute magical love story. Voluntarily reviewed.