So funny
By grandmadean
Not at all realistic, but that’s the fun of it!
Big Kahauna
By lynn kay
Fun, exciting and adventurous!
The Big Kahuna
By mauilady
Awful. Couldn’t wait for it to be over. Loaded with action books/movies cliches and no character development. Seems like a huge step back in Janet’s writing. Very disappointing. Gave it one star because that as low as you can go.
Big Kahuna
By Old Pump Guy
Though Kate O’Hare is great and funny, for those who follow Stephanie Plum, Kate isn’t as funny or pathetic.
Great international story of intrigue and well worth the read.
The Big Kauna
By whitepearl55
I was so sad with this book. I love the Fox and Ohare series and this one just didn’t measure up. It’s like the characters lost their luster. The last book “The Pursuit” really showed the chemistry Nick and Kate have and they began to express their ideas of relationship and even Kate’s father cared for Nick. But in this book it’s like None of their previous shenanigans have ever happened. This book wasn’t entertaining until the VERY END! What a BUMMER!!
Nothing like the original series
By caia0223
This book takes a bad turn from the others. Their personalities are different, there’s no con, and there are tons of logical errors. It just seemed like lazy writing. Very disappointed because I used to love this series.
Not her best
By hollace12
Just ok. Not nearly as fun and naughty.
By Phrozun
Echoing what so many others have said. This book doesn’t belong in the Fox and O’Hare series.
The big flop
By cogle:)
I am only 4 chapters in and it is like a 6th grade English class took over and wrote this book. I just don’t think I can read any more. I would love to get my money back!
What a let down
By just52me07
Gotta say up until now I have enjoyed anything written by Janet Evanovich. The Big Kahuna is a rare exception. I did not realize Lee Goldberg was not part of the writing team on this book. His presence and voice are sorely missed. The whole fun of these books comes from the weird and wacky crew Nick pulls together and the cons he plans for the bad guys! I love it when Nick and Kate win. I love Kate’s father and the “old guys network” he calls in to play a part with whatever the current caper is. I had to make myself continue to read this book and I must admit it was a struggle. I was b.o.r.e.d! The first 3/4 of the book reads like a travel brochure. Not fun at all. I gave 2 stars because there really was some action (finally!) but it didn’t come along until the final few chapters. Overall an extremely disappointing installment of the Fox and O’Hare series. Maybe the next one will be better.