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  • The Corwalls Vanish

    By mbquin
    This book kept my interest from beginning to end just like all of James Patterson's books have.
  • the chef

    By powderette
    having purchased enough of your books to list you as a dependent, i was blown by how disappointed i was with this book. grammar errors (i don’t capitalize on purpose) - “me and ...”. ye gods! just could not care about any of the characters ...
  • The Chef

    By KLC/paris
    I’ve enjoyed ever book that I’ve read with your name on it and enjoyed them. So I was so surprised to find how disappointed I was in this book. Your hero thought he was the only person in New Orleans that could figure out the plot. You made fun of the local police and FBI. You thought he had the right to have sex with a married woman because you know best. I’ve admired your Alex Cross , Micheal Bennett and many other special characters. Just so disappointed in this book. I’ve since gotten First Lady and The Cromwell’s are Gone. These were great. You’re still my favorite writer. K.Calhoun , Arkansas
  • Not his besr

    By Megmuff
    Rife with grammatical errors. Dumb plot.