10 Attractive Habits - German Muhlenberg

10 Attractive Habits

By German Muhlenberg

  • Release Date: 2017-03-13
  • Genre: Psychology
Score: 4
From 26 Ratings


10 Attractive Habits That Will Increase Your Dating by 357.14%. Guaranteed!

Most books or seduction guides will try to give you advice on what to do or say to women. They will tell you which techniques are best for you to get not only her, but any woman and almost instantaneously. 

Hello! My name is German.


This book is not about what to say to women, but focuses on creating a more attractive personality. It will not be instantaneous, it will take time, you'll never able conquer them all and many will reject you.

But if I can assure you one thing, it will work!

The reason most books do not work is because they do not address the underlying problem, instead they promote techniques that attempt to compensate for personality deficits. They seek to cover up the problem but not solve it, however your fears and insecurities are still there. It's like trying to cover the crack in the Titanic with a bandaid. No matter how many you use, it will never be enough.

Those for whom these techniques will be necessary subconsciously feel they are not good enough to conquer them. Men who are most successful are those who do not see the woman above themselves. Thus the game becomes simple and natural.

That is why I faithfully believe that success with women is based on the development of our personality. Self-development and being an attractive man are inseparable. If you are failing with women, you are doing something wrong.