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  • This book is exactly what I needed right now

    By Ldog55
    I’ve been going through a bit of a rough time, like I’m sure many others have, and it’s sincerely been incredibly helpful to have the release of this book to look forward to. Now that it’s here, it’s a fantastic balm on my soul. I can’t thank Carey and the McElroys enough for this.
  • Petals to the metal and my heart

    By Delta and Theta
    The third installment of the Graphic novels for The Adventure Zone- Balance, seems to be a great fit among the others. Hurley tugged at my heartstrings, just like she did in the podcast. There’s minor changes here and there, but nothing too out of left field. The changes make since and we even get bonus content. Just like with the Podcast, Petals to the metal was great! Not my favorite, but nether was it in podcast. Everything so far seems to be lining up, I would argue I like the Graphic novel more then the Podcast for this adventure, ironically not something I’ve been able to say about the others. Please give it a read!