The History of America - History Nerds

The History of America

By History Nerds

  • Release Date: 2021-01-06
  • Genre: History of the Americas
Score: 4.5
From 9 Ratings


The land of the free and home of the brave.

How much do you know of the history of modern-day America? From its discovery by Columbus to its participation in World war 1 and 2 we can see that America has left its mark on the world. It hasn't all been plain sailing and nobody should dare say otherwise, but has it been a success? Jump into this concise retelling of American history and judge for yourself as we attempt to take a neutral approach to the annals of history.


  • Wonderful book

    By Oldest Uncle
    Thank you for starting the history of the United States before we became a country. Some of the information I already knew. I remember learning about, I believe that it was seven Indian nations in the Northeast United States. I knew some of the information about Columbus because I have read several accounts from different sources. It was good to read about our history from before we became a country until the present time. Yes our Government has frequently been wrong with its dealing with the Indians and others. We cannot change history no matter how much someone would want to. I do recommend this book to others