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  • Very stupid change of characters

    By Youbek123
  • Great!

    By LMBfan
    I love all the books in the series… And this one may be the best yet. Makes me look forward to getting older and moving to a retirement community!
  • So much fun!

    By Buddybuddy86
    Love this series.
  • Only avid readers need apply

    By Oldgeeker
    When you wish you could meet and live with the characters in a book, the author is a master of his craft. When you a bit surprised at who dunnit, without being angry that the plot sprung it on you that’s good writing. When you don’t have to skim to avoid tedious description, that’s good writing. “Well written, well crafted, engaging fun and satisfying.” — Final answer
  • Clever, intelligent, fun, charming characters, and plot twists! What’s not to love?

    By Lov2lrn
    What fun to read this delightful book! So clever and fun! The characters come to life and you can’t help but adore them! What an amazingly talented author! I can’t wait to read the next one!
  • The Bullet that Missed

    By nevet trumpet
    So fun. Just the right escape!!
  • Hello! BBC, this should be your next series!

    By lauraSFBay
    Pure delight. Have read all three. One those books that makes me feel better about being a human - and humans in general. And I’m not kidding, this would make a fantastic TV series. Each book could easily create a season. Richard , best wishes to you and yours. Please keep writing.
  • Hurrah!

    By SF bookseller, retired
    Crashing good fun, old boy! Crashing.
  • Cheers to Years

    By She She 1192
    Just a delightful read! These characters are truly fun to be around…Would so enjoy being invited on a Thursday.
  • The Bullet That Missed

    By grandmajoanne
    Great characters! I miss them already. This has some very “laugh out loud moments” where I find my husband rolling his eyes at me. Very clever plots in all three books of the series. I hope you keep Joyce, Elizabeth, Ron, and Ibrahim around for more adventures!