Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris

Me Talk Pretty One Day

By David Sedaris

  • Release Date: 2009-05-04
  • Genre: Humor
Score: 4
From 876 Ratings


A new collection from David Sedaris is cause for jubilation. His recent move to Paris has inspired hilarious pieces, including Me Talk Pretty One Day, about his attempts to learn French. His family is another inspiration. You Cant Kill the Rooster is a portrait of his brother who talks incessant hip-hop slang to his bewildered father. And no one hones a finer fury in response to such modern annoyances as restaurant meals presented in ludicrous towers and cashiers with 6-inch fingernails. Compared by The New Yorker to Twain and Hawthorne, Sedaris has become one of our best-loved authors. Sedaris is an amazing reader whose appearances draw hundreds, and his performancesincluding a jaw-dropping impression of Billie Holiday singing I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weinerare unforgettable. Sedariss essays on living in Paris are some of the funniest hes ever written. At last, someone even meaner than the French! The sort of blithely sophisticated, loopy humour that might have resulted if Dorothy Parker and James Thurber had had a love child. Entertainment Weekly on Barrel Fever Sidesplitting Not one of the essays in this new collection failed to crack me up; frequently I was helpless. The New York Times Book Review on Naked


  • Gravest book

    By grant gibbons
    Great book. Cracked up at first part. David sure is funny
  • 😂

    By fahleybaggins
    I see a great ‘ole lunker in da see of humor
  • c gl v uo y ug black l ngnjb high bu

    By i y ubbg by
  • Absolutely Extraordinary

    By Indigo💙
    I love his and his sister's work with all my heart. Out of them both, this is my favorite book behind the Sedaris family.
  • Enjoyed immensely

    By Words it être
    Great book. I rarely find a book that makes me laugh out loud, but this one did.
  • Laughed out loud

    By LuanaJune
    I read this book about 10 years ago. I made the mistake of laying down to read, a ritual for me because I can't read 3 pages of any book without dozing off. Needless to say, I did not drift off to sleep as planned. I was laughing so hard I literally rolled out of bed. Favorite chapter? "Can't kill the rooster".
  • Hilarious!

    By Tara.Dactyl
    Unforgettable, laugh out loud funny! Thanks David ;-)
  • Funniest book I have ever read!

    By TwinMama2008
    I have yet to discover a humorist as funny as Dave Sedaris in this particular book. His masterpiece!!! LOL funny!!!!
  • Me Talk Pretty One Day

    By RuRuRe
    Truly laugh out loud funny. I read this in one sitting. So entertaining I did not want to put it down.
  • Me Talk Pretty One Day

    By rrrtist
    Laughed out Loud funny