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  • An American hero who deserves greater recognition

    By Tsuliman
    This book paints a vivid picture of a great mind and character. If you're interested in strategy, science, or military history, definitely read this book.
  • Boyd

    By PL2291
    I've read many books about military figures to include "Viper Pilot" "Fighter Pilot" and all of Luttrells books.. This book is the best book for any young military member when reflecting on your potential career. "To be or to do" should be pondered on who you're going to become.
  • Good peoples did so many things for this country

    By Buzz Tw
    This is a good book to let me know these great people's did so many for this country, without being well known. Respect and gratitude to these great fighters!
  • Wow!

    By ElDiabloDeLosAves
    I read, a lot. I can’t remember how I stumbled across this one, but I am sure glad I did. This book is, in my humble opinion, one of the Great Books of our time, and Boyd was certainly a giant, a little known giant, of intellect, honor, and guts. This isn’t a ‘battle stories’ book, though there are some good ones in here, this is a book about intellect, and the guts to carry an idea to it’s conclusion. Boyd’s legacy lives on, in battles won, in lives of our warriors saved. If it’s not, this should be required reading for our officer corps in all services. Stunning.
  • Should be required reading...

    By mergedplot
    At SOS, OTS, ASBC, etc, etc. The AF would do well to go back to the John Boyd School of Warfighting and as important, preparation for war. We are too concerned with useless master's degrees, ensuring everyone feels the same in their ugly green boots (who thought THAT was going to look good) and volunteer hours. We need to return to the business of where we once were, when Boyd put his mark on the AF. Enjoy the read.
  • Figures

    By Fred Grimley
    This is a MUST READ for anybody that cares about the modern state of our armed forces and wants to know why they are in a state of disarray. Why we pay more for junk like the F-22 (good for airshows, Transformer movies, NORAD CAP missions) and the upcoming F-35 (problems getting worse by the day), but get less bang for the buck. He showed the airforce how to do things the right way, and he was shunned. He showed the Marines how to win wars efficiently, and they loved him for it. The real shame is that you can go up and ask any airforce member who COL John Boyd was and most have NO IDEA who you are talking about. No wonder the airforce gets made fun of as "the chair force". Buncha bureaucrats masquerading as military.
  • Boyd Rocks

    By PatchSpear
    A fighter pilot's fighter pilot. How the Air Force should be! A must read for all junior officers and zipper-suited sun gods.