An Introduction to Natural Beekeeping - Phil Chandler

An Introduction to Natural Beekeeping

By Phil Chandler

  • Release Date: 2010-02-09
  • Genre: Gardening
Score: 4
From 95 Ratings


Have you thought about taking up beekeeping, but are put off by the expensive equipment you were told to buy, or stories of honeybee colonies collapsing?

If so, then low-cost, low-impact, chemical-free, 'natural beekeeping' may be exactly what you are looking for.

Phil Chandler suggests more natural ways in which we can renew and develop our relationship with the honeybee.


  • Short but sweet

    By MountainMan2012
    Although the information covered is interesting, it is a little too short. Although, it gives a good argument for keeping bees the way they want to be kept. I am keeping bees in top bar hives for the bees health, as apposed to langstroth for their excessive loads of honey.
  • Worthless

    By Steve in Dallas
  • Natural beekeeping

    By R kirby
    This is load of hooey with lots of environmental concerns but NO substance or facts to back it up.
  • Bee

    By Dougthebeeman
    Lots of environmental critisim no information on accually implimenting
  • Really

    By rolandsullivan
    And yet here you are on the power hunger Internet...what a load of pure crap!
  • Natural beekeeping

    By Tc Cat
    Informative. We need to consider alternative methods to beekeeping. When there are no more honeybees, there will not be anymore farms. Plants need those bees to pollinate their crops. Whether or not larger companies that use chemically altered plants or not, I doubt that any plants can survive and reproduce without pollination. Be kind and be aware.
  • Interesting

    By ShadyElmFarm
    I'd like to learn more about how to set up natural beekeeping on my farm.
  • I was hoping for instruction

    By CTemp
    Wanted instruction.
  • A wonderful read

    By GothProf
    This is a great (though brief) introduction to natural bee keeping. It has raised my interest significantly in going all natural... Thanks for the wonderful, free information!