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  • Not for everyone

    By Azflwr
    This subject matter was too graphic detailing violent sexual crimes against a young girl. Reading the first couple of chapters was all I could stand.
  • Very good.

    By Longhorn5555
    Ok, I’ll admit that I read my first Alafair Burke book simply because I recognized the name from all of the incredible James Lee Burke novels. But frankly my expectations were low. I suspected another “famous author’s kid tries to pen a novel.” Boy was I wrong! Ms. Burke was a former prosecutor, clearly intelligent, and writes a great book. I’ve read two back to back, and both were highly enjoyable. It’s clear that she has her own totally different, but thoroughly enjoyable, style of writing. Well done, Ms. Burke. Well done! I’m looking forward to working my way through all of your other books.
  • Read like a LSAT review class

    By Guzin1
    It being a few decades since my criminal/constitutional law classes, Burke read like a refresher review class, maybe a hair too technical for some. Seemed as though the story got a little lost in the legal details, the interpretation of which didn't read at all like the mindset of prosecutors I'd encountered. Regardless, with the exception of Burke's need to pepper her protagonist's comments with what is obviously Burke's personal political position (i.e. anti-bush, anti-Fox commentary that felt forced, but hey, it's her book and her chance to vent) I enjoyed the story overall. I'll continue to read her books, but wish she'd leave the unnecessary and unbecoming personal political jabs aside.