The King James Bible, Complete - Unknown

The King James Bible, Complete

By Unknown

  • Release Date: 1611-01-01
  • Genre: Bibles
Score: 4
From 3,145 Ratings


This volume is the complete King James version of the Christian Bible, an English translation authorized by the Church of England and completed in 1611.


  • An oldie but a goodie

    By josh1337848473
    God does know how to write a book. The greatest drama ever written.
  • From a former athiest/agnostic:

    By paulc716
    If you’re on the fence, remember: the point of religion isn’t “follow god because I said so,” the point is to follow god because of all of the morals and mindsets (peace, love, sentiment, etc.) that He teaches. You don’t have to be a die-hard christian to at least give the book a chance. Highly recommend.
  • Jit

    By lweeeeny
  • To the Athiests

    By metal critic
    Just because a few verses flew over your empty heads doesn’t mean that the Bible is “wrong”!🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s embarrassing that you called yourselves Cultivated.
  • The Bible

    By Z man88
    I’m not writing about this particular Bible. I’m writing about the Bible in general. WE made the choice to eat the fruit and disobey God in the beginning. He had already warned us. But since He wanted us to have a free will, He didn’t make us choose Him. So we failed him. And because of the SINS that mankind committed,which were so bad,God flooded the world. He saved Noah and his family and therefore showed love and mercy on the human race instead of ending it. Also of course the Bible doesn’t approve of lgbtq+ because it’s immoral and wrong. Do you really think God is “homophobic” ? Phobia means “fear of” and God fears nothing. The Bible is His word and if He says it’s wrong than your opinion doesn’t matter. Think about it, if you said to a T. rex I identify as a T. rex or I think that taking your eggs isn’t wrong because it feels right, would it not eat and destroy you? Thankfully God loves you so much that YOU can be forgiven. Just believe Jesus is God’s Son and didn’t stay dead. He rose again! Just believe that, admit your a sinner and you need Him to save you. Just talk to Him please! It changed my life, let it change yours! P.S. I didn’t say this to offend people. I say it with love and concern. But it’s not your call if you are doing wrong and you “define” it as right. It’s God’s call. I could also defend the Bible scientificly but I already have a paragraph. Also a contradiction is like when a math book says 2+2=4 then later on says 2+2=19. God loving us but destroying us isn’t a contradiction. He destroyed many because of the great evil that mankind was doing. Kinda like discipline for a child except obviously a lot worse. But for good cause. Plus as I said before He didn’t completely destroy us, He showed mercy and compassion on us. 😄😄😀
  • ❤️

    By Bella B.❤️❤️
    This book helps me refocus on God more than anything
  • Great book

    By Silasgamez
    Because Jesus
  • no longer works

    By EHforgiving
    I have had this Bible for years - can outline in different colors - mark pages -and navigate searches. Now - perhaps because of an update on IOS - cannot even navigate to go to any other chapters or books.
  • Very inspirational

    By xisdapoint
  • Words of wisdom

    By HI50 GI
    Let us not forget the lessons of the Bible, timeless and ageless for any generation. Relevant today as they were when it was written.