The Rediscovery of North America - Barry Lopez

The Rediscovery of North America

By Barry Lopez

  • Release Date: 1992-09-01
  • Genre: Nature


Five hundred years ago an Italian whose name, translated into English, meant Christopher Dove, came to America and began a process not of discovery, but incursion: "a ruthless, angry search for wealth" that continues to the present day.

This provocative and superbly written book gives a true assessment of Columbus's legacy while taking the first steps toward its redemption. Even as he draws a direct line between the atrocities of Spanish conquistadors and the ongoing pillage of our lands and waters, Barry Lopez challenges us to adopt an ethic that will make further depredations impossible. The Rediscovery of North America is a ringingly persuasive call for us, at long last, to make this country our home.


  • Mr.

    By Did I do it wrong
    First iBook I’ve purchased (I love my paper copies)… Why does this say it’s 64 pages but I only count 46 - it’s even shorter on my iMac (27 pages, I count about 24 ‘text’ pages side by side). Haven’t read it yet in fear that I’m reading only half of it or something, should have just ordered the paper copy online :(.