Modern Buddhism: Volume 1 Sutra - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Modern Buddhism: Volume 1 Sutra

By Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

  • Release Date: 2011-08-01
  • Genre: Buddhism
Score: 4
From 526 Ratings


Introduction and Encouragement

This eBook Modern Buddhism – The Path of Compassion and Wisdom, in three volumes, is being distributed freely at the request of the author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The author says: “Through reading and practicing the instructions given in this book, people can solve their daily problems and maintain a happy mind all the time.” So that these benefits can pervade the whole world, Geshe Kelsang wishes to give this eBook freely to everyone.

We would like to request you to please respect this precious Dharma book, which functions to free living beings from suffering permanently. If you continually read and practice the advice in this book, eventually your problems caused by anger, attachment and ignorance will cease.

Volume 1 Sutra explains how to practise basic Buddhist compassion and wisdom in daily life. Covering topics such as What is Buddhism?, Buddhist Faith, The Preciousness of our Human Life, What does our Death Mean?, What is Karma?, The Four Noble Truths & Training in Love and Compassion, this volume shows how we can transform our lives, improve our relationships with others and look behind appearances to see the way things really are.

Please enjoy this special gift from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who dedicates: “May everyone who reads this book experience deep peace of mind, and accomplish the real meaning of human life.”

With best wishes,

Manuel Rivero-De Martine 
Tharpa Publications, UK Tharpa Director

About the Author

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso was ordained as a Buddhist monk in Tibet at the age of eight. He is a fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism. Living in the West since 1977, he is the author of 21 highly acclaimed books that reveal the entire Buddhist path to enlightenment, including Buddha’s Sutra and Tantra teachings. He has also founded over 1,100 Kadampa Meditation Centers and groups around the world.


  • A bit tedious for me

    By KeiferBass
    I’ve read several short books on Buddhism that helped me comprehend its basic tenons. Maybe I will come back to this later but it seemed to provide too many facts not related to the core beliefs as I understand Buddhism.
  • Clear and compassionate

    By Cgjv18
    A book to return to again and again! I feel very fortunate to have found this path.
  • Compassion

    By chalupa-batman
    Great principals to live by. Good free book to pick up and read a passage here and there
  • Changed my thinking

    By dvenae95
    Great at explaining Buddhism and applying it to modern day life. Can be a bit repetitive, which worked for me to understand clearly and in depth. But for those who are advanced readers I can see this being a bit annoying and hard to get through.
  • Thank You

    By KimPower3
    I have yet to read this, but want to express my gratitude in providing this book at no cost~
  • So clear and practical

    By DharmaPractitionerSpencer
    A truly clear and practical explanation of Meditation and Buddhism. This book has made it easy to gain experience with these meditations. The chapter on ultimate bodhichitta is incredibly profound! I have never seen a more clear explanation of Buddha's teachings on ultimate truth.
  • modern buddishim vol 1

    By eeljay
    good reads ........!!
  • Amazing

    By Lilx96
    I would recommend this book to anyone interested in enlightenment, finding happiness, or just curious about the Buddhist religion. Although I am not Buddhist, and still not after reading, I found almost if not every page helpful in my daily life. The ideas of this book were supported by comprehensive yet subtle examples that make understanding the teaching easier. There were times when I was confused by the complexity of the ideas but reading forward never led me to more confusion-- it lead to further knowledge and understanding. I am grateful to have read this book. Very easy read aside from the names references.
  • Fortunate to have found this

    By Amind84
    I am lucky to have first experienced Geshe Kelsang's teachings via the New York Meditation Center. A few years later I had stressed enough and wanted to find some peace- I am fortunate to have stumbled onto this book while viewing the Meditation Center's website. I have been experiencing a peace of mind that I haven't known in decades.
  • Excellent reading

    By Green+Lantern
    This book is a must read to understand the underlying message of Buddhism!