Thus Spake Zarathustra - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Thus Spake Zarathustra

By Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • Release Date: 1899-12-31
  • Genre: Philosophy
Score: 4
From 125 Ratings


19th-century literary and philosophical masterpiece introduces the controversial doctrine of the Ubermensch, or "superman," a term later perverted by Nazi propagandists. A provocative work that was designed to inspire readers to transcend the limitations of conventional morality.


  • zzzzzzzoomah

    By mdrosis
    Zam awezum book 4reid-zing baahhh
  • Ambitious but vague for modern readers

    By paradise1999
    Heard it suit someone in agony or lost. The wording and format keeps reminding me of the Bible, due to its rhetorical beauty and the focus on humanity (comparing to other philosophical work that focus on deductions and reasoning); while the content shifts from praising the god to men, Zarathustra is suspiciously comparable to Jesus Christ in a lot of places. For example, the writer attempted in liberating humans’ thought/capabilities by constantly projecting the “virtue” on one single person, and setting him object to, in the book, the mass majority (or people not enlightened). Even though I loathe praising a martyr in literature (moral coercion is never a good way to persuade me personally), the book worth a read for it’s metaphor and story, because those a a lot easier to be absorbed in a relaxed set ups.
  • Rewarding read

    By Ivana Humpsalot
    Through beautiful old english, this enlightened tale of human morality and our surpassing of conventional wisdoms is layered in beautiful metaphors. This book is not for the feint of heart; it’s beautiful language takes patience and intelligence to understand, however if you take the time to learn as you read, you may find yourself swept off your feet by its intricate detail, its evolutionary ideology, and once again, it’s poetic nature.
  • Rambling nonsense

    By rossandbeth
    If there’s a point to his ramblings it’s not clear, good books are a joy to read. This book probably had some point to make but it was hidden, and after over a hundred pages I’ll call it quits.
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra

    By Guido51
    The translation is old and the language is quite antiquated. Makes a tough read that much harder. The notes at the end leave a lot to be desired. For instance his handling of Eternal Recurrence leaves out a huge ethical component if the doctrine in the way that it relates to the overman (superman). The end of the notes states that they are not in a final form, but since they are dated 1905 I doubt we will see them updated.