Accountants, Baby, and Killers
By Lakewaco
Was not as good as her other books. It takes a Party to get to a cop. Rourke and Eve are their typical loving, hard working married cop couple.
J D Robb never disappoints
By jtc11501
All aspects of a great book rolled into another slice of the “In Death” series. I always look forward to the next book and who I might meet in new characters.
Calculated in Death
By CMRosebaom
I enjoyed reading this book as I have all the books written by “J D Robb.” I always figure out who the murderer is but the suspense hold because I didn’t n’t know how she’s going to catch the murderer. I don’t know for sure if the murderer will die because I can’t remember if the murder did in the other books by her that I’ve read. I just know she, find him/her and get hiM/her.
Calculated in Death
By lAlizzle
I discovered the JD Robb series so long ago I can't remember. I eagerly await every new story. This series combines my love of science fiction with murder and mystery and it doesn't hurt that there is also a little sex and romance thrown in. My perfect escape novels!
Calculated in Death
By kpmrv
Who wrote this book? Certainly not JD Robb aka Nora Roberts. The dialogue, particularly in the scenes involving Dallas and Roarke, is trite. In fact, much of Eve's language borders on obscene; totally out of character. The relationships between the characters is almost non-existent. The "murder" mystery is boring. I've read every one of the previous "Death" novels. I download them automatically because they are consistently a really good read. I won't do that again; I'll get a sample and if the next is as lousy as this one, I won't be buying any more. If Nora needs help from a ghost writer, she needs to hire one who's read the other books, not to mention someone who has some writing skills, not someone who usually writes dime-store detective pulp fiction.
This book is so boring it may be the first Robb/ Roberts book I don't bother finishing.
Very disappointing!!
Caculated in Death
By Alice C Petty
I have read every JD Robb death series books, they are amazingly fantastic! I am a fan forever. Dallas, Roark, Peabody and the entire family are enticing. Ready for the next book!
Not one of the more compelling novels in the series
By Keshla
I've been a long-time fan of the "...In Death" series overall, but some are more successful and compelling than others. I had a hard time getting into this one and actually stopped after a few chapters. I picked it back up a few months later and finished it. Accountants? Meh. I suppose even Nora can't fire on all cylinders every time! Still a huge fan and keep waiting for another great series in which to get swept up!
Calculated in Death
By Dessert Shadow
I found this book terribly disappointing . In fact I have read 80% of it and I just decided to put it down. The writing style was weak and I kept feeling as if it was a high school paper that needed to be a particular number of pages.
What bothered me most was the repetitive use of slang. If I had one dollar for every time the word "vid" was used , I could buy several books worth reading.
Ed Rommel
Ghost writer?
By kuzumel
The plot points reads like it's J. D. Robb. But the writing style feels like an alternate personality - and not for the better. The major story arc continues onwards as we see our favorite characters progress. But the dialogue seems to come from another dimension.
By Hurirod
I've always been a fan of J.D. Robb but lately the latest books have become very dull, repetitive and predictable. I get the feeling they were written in a hurry instead of inspired by something. I hope the author steps it up for the next book.