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  • Just ok

    By rjudh
    Didn’t get really interesting until almost halfway through. Then got a little too convoluted at the end.
  • Loved it, loved it...

    By Dough DRT
    I forced myself to pace. I didn't want to finish the book too quickly - when finished, then what - on to start crappy novel? No - this is a book to savor. To get caught up in the melancholy of losing a close friend all those years ago. The title alone sets the stage for a real heart breaker. But then the ending. A twist here, a twist there - frankly, I would have loved it more had there been less twists. It became a little too contrived for me - I kept thinking of those TV infomercials - "But wait - there's more!" It did not need to be tied up in such a perfect bow.
  • If You We're Here

    By S diggy
    Not my favorite book of Alafair Burke. More like a first novel than one written after ten years of writing. The plot wandered, I could not connect with the main character, seemed she just wanted to make a political statement about the US military. Please, Alafair, stick with Samantha Kincaid and Ellie Hatcher.