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  • Great Alien/Technology novel

    By PatLaCalm
    Brilliant, well executed aliens and technology novel.
  • Through the looking glass

    By Salc_X
    Great read as are all of Ringos books
  • A hard read

    By Jadeghost
    Let me explain a bit more. I love John ringo story’s, I like his views, love his writing, and again love the story’s. That being said, this story as it was written was HARD AS HELL to understand. There was no Segway from person to person in dialog, no Segway from ‘scene to scene’, you just had to KNOW by going back and figuring it out yourself at times. I don’t know if that was part of the paperback or it was poor programming and is in need of an update here. But in all, still a fun read. Still a good story to kill time with. I read it all in 2 days.