The Book of Mormon - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Book of Mormon

By The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • Release Date: 2013-03-01
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4.5
From 265 Ratings


The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The Prophet Joseph Smith translated this record by the gift and power of God and first published it in March of 1830 as the Book of Mormon. It is now published in many languages as a new and additional witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that all who will come unto him and obey the laws and ordinances of his gospel may be saved. The 2013 edition of the Book of Mormon includes clarifications and adjustments to the introduction, footnotes, and chapter headings; however, these adjustments have not been so extensive as to require members to purchase the new edition to stay current with either the Church curriculum or personal study.


  • Only the best book out there

    By CatsDontDanceFan4
    This book has so much meaning, and it is more important to read it way more than just the Bible. To all those naysayers, they didn’t even try to understand it. This is only truth, the GOSPEL truth. Plz speak to the missionaries to learn more.
  • BOM Contradicts KJV

    By Vinnie Basile
    Joseph Smith was a false prophet. 2 NEPHI 25:23 (BOM) For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, AFTER ALL WE CAN DO. 🆚🆚🆚🆚🆚🆚🆚🆚🆚 EPHESIANS 2‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭(KJV‬‬) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.” Turn to the TRUE gospel of 1 CORINTHIANS 15 (KJV) and get saved!
  • Dark, Deceptive

    By Electric Pumpkin
    I was given this book and my wife and I felt darkness and deception in our lives with this book around so we gave it back to the friend that gave it. A meaningless book for my life. No desire to read or have it in my presence.
  • Best Book Ever

    By Sword of Laban
    Because of this book, I feel peace in my life. I know where I’m going, I know where I came from, I know why I’m here. And I know I can be with my family forever. What other book can give you that knowledge? Read it and find out for yourself. I know it is true and I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and a very good man. Because of his work translating this book, and because I put in the effort to read it and act on its principles, I am a much better man than I was, and I can continue to improve myself with Christ’s help.
  • I love Jesus

    By j'ai oubliè
    I love the Book of Mormon so so so much! It helps comfort me when I’m scared or just stressed. I know that Jesus really lived and this is a true record of the people of the americas. I wish everyone I knew could read this. I get a good feeling when I read it but if you don’t want to read it then I respect your opinion. Please read this By the way Is the sample the entire book?
  • thank you, matt stone and trey parker

    By melt.brain
    thank you to these amazing individuals who gave me another reason to read more bogus religious stories. without their knowledge and guidance, i would have never come across something so blatantly stupid. this book has taught me about the wondrous world of religion and the ways disconnected members of our society try and find reason to their boring existence. without the help from matt stone and trey parker, i would have never been able to find this book in its entirety on any book app. this was 1,177 pages of my life i will never get back, but the serotonin i gained by laughing the whole time i read this book gives me a reason to rate it the highest rating possible. i now have a bit more respect to the poor mormonites who go door-to-door showcasing this itty bitty book with their polished outfits and almost scarily fake smiles. thank you to matt stone, trey parker, and the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints for giving me no hope for religion. 5 ⭐️
  • Unbelieving

    By Saints belifs
    Those people who said that the book of mermen is wrong there the only people how are wrong. Well I am going to have a little talk with them. One thing I have to say about this is that this book is not fake or fiction. I would know if it were fake or fiction because I have felt the Holy Spirit and I have had temptations from satan who is a very bad person. All these people who said that the book is fake did not actually say it satan did. Another thing is that if you are going to say it is fake you will have tell me because the thing is I am part of the church that believes in it. And let me tell you something we do not believe we know that he died for us and he did feel everything we ever felt before. I know this because I have felt him answering my prayers and because of that I know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is okay if you do not like reading it but you should never say that it is fake. Next time you say negative things about my church you are going to go though a lot of reasons why it would is true and not false. Now for those who are reading this pleas do not listen to the people who are saying that it is fake or fiction. This book is life changing and I know this because I read it many times before and every time it changed my life even more. Pleas read this book. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
  • I love this book

    By MadisonMayWelch
    This book can truly change lives and it has changed mine!
  • I love reading

    By Hajhajav
    I love the Book of Mormon and I know it’s true. I have a 3 paper copies and 1 1830s edition. This book truly contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you want to learn if it is true, read it then ask God with “sincere hearts, with real intent, having faith in Christ,” then you will know for yourselves. I have a testimony that this book is sacred and true. I find true peace and comfort reading this book
  • Legitimate

    By the_unknown_nerd
    I am a historian and have researched this book and the legitimacy of the locations and timeline. They all are real places. The “narrow neck of land” mentioned early on in the book is the Central America area i.e. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. The great mounds in Ohio and other states are settlements of the people of Limhi as mentioned in the books of alma and ether. I have no questions about the legitimacy of the book.