Riveting as always!
By AlexH22
This book was just as good as all the others in this series. Karin has done it again.
Amazing plot and good characters!
After that night
By palmer fralick
Will Trent TV is not book Will Trent not even close. Biggest problem, NO Sara. Although he’s much too old now I always saw (and here while reading) Russell Crowe as Will. TV actor Will is OK but he’s no Will Trent.
Very involved storyline but easy to follow!
By Farcalgal
Must read, love Will. I hear the TV Trent in my head when reading. Best I’ve read in
I Waited a Long Time for This Book
By Love to Scramble
I have read all of Karen Slaughter’s books and my favorites are the Will Trent books with Sara Linton. This did not disappoint. I hope there will be many more.
I have watched the first Will Trent tv series and although I love the actor who portrays Will, I can’t seem to picture him when I read the books.
Please introduce Sara into the tv series.
Awesome Book
By Teacher Mops
There was only 2 things wrong about this book.
#1-too much time between books and #2~it ended too soon. LOVED the book!!!!
After That Night
By mswamom
Don’t understand the negative publisher’s weekly review. That and another negative review actually made this move up on my want to read list. I have enjoyed both the Sara Linton and Will Trent series since the beginning (although I was shocked and skeptical at first when they were combined). I thought this was an excellent story that brought some closure to the tragedy that forever changed Sara’s life. Per usual, it was a page turner with a satisfying ending. There were parts that were definitely hard to read but she did a great job handling such difficult topics. In my opinion, this was just as good as all the other books in the series if not better.
After That Night
By Admiraldingdong
I've waited a long time for another Will and Sara. These are my favorite by Karin. I really took my time with this one an enjoyed it. I hope it's not to long before the next one.I will just reread my others until then. Great book kept me guessing until the end
Woke go broke
By fffddddeee111
Stupid and clearly a sellout.