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  • Meet the Mackays

    By Peg1951
    Robin Mackay is Laird of Clan Mackay. He has worked and gained confidence, and wants to convince his council to advise, and let him make decisions. Helena Ross, a healer and midwife, has come to Dun Ugadale to be with her sister when her baby comes. At the same time the baby decides to arrive, the laird is injured. Circumstances make it necessary for Helena to see to both situations. Can she handle both? You bet! This is a truly enjoyable beginning for the new series. The storyline is good, and the characters are likable and quite entertaining. There is some excitement, a bit of intrigue and danger, wit, and humor. Along the way, Robin and Helena fall for each other, but duty may prevent their being together. A charming, fun Highland romance. I look forward to what’s next, Craig’s story. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
  • Family Help Each other

    By cornerchick
    This is the first in Callie Hutton’s new series, it is a spin off of the Sutherland’s of Dornoch Castle Highland stories titled The Mackays of Dun Ugadale. Although some characters from the previous series are mentioned or even appear in this book, previous reading is not required. Having said that you will want to after reading this. When she was a child, Helena and her sister Jena were taken in by their aunt Dorothea, the Sutherland healer when their mother died. For many years she has trained to be a healer and midwife with the hope she would take over from Dorothea when she retires. Jena married and moved to the Mackays Castle, where Helena has traveled to help in the birth of her sister’s first child. Having been born a Ross, Helena has never really felt she belonged with the Sutherland’s and has desperately missed Jena since she moved away. The Mackays healer is young and very inexperienced and Helena begins helping out and tries to teach her but the lass is very squeamish and this leads to a big headache for Helena. Robin, the Mackays Laird, feels an immediate attraction to Helena but is being pressured by the clan council to make an advantageous match that will strengthen the Mackays position. When he is injured in battle, Helena and Robin give into their passion, leading to headache for them both. Eventually our couple, after many bumps in the path to true love get their happy ever after. This is a great start to the new series and I highly recommend this book to the reader. I received and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my honest opinions and review.