The purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with the knowledge and skills to appropriately identify, diagnose, and treat behavioral addictions. In addition, members of the public may use this course to enhance their personal knowledge of the subject matter presented.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
1. Outline the evolution of and concepts forming the basis of behavioral addictions.
2. Compare and contrast explanatory models of addiction and their applicability to behavioral addictions.
3. Describe the factors underlying child and adolescent vulnerability to behavioral addictions.
4. Discuss psychological and pharmacologic treatments that are generally appropriate for behavioral addiction.
5. Analyze the epidemiology, comorbidity, and risk factors of gambling disorder.
6. Evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of gambling disorder.
7. Review the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of addictive sexual behavior.
8. Describe Internet gaming disorder and how it is diagnosed and treated.
9. Explain how binge eating disorder is identified and appropriately treated.
10. Outline the epidemiology, risk factors, and clinical characteristics of compulsive buying disorder.
11. Analyze factors related to the diagnosis and treatment of compulsive buying disorder.
12. Discuss the epidemiology, comorbidities, and pathophysiology of trichotillomania.
13. List approaches to the treatment of trichotillomania.
14. Identify patients with kleptomania and create an effective treatment plan for these patients.
15. Describe behavioral addictions induced by dopamine agonists and other medications and disorders.
This 15-hour continuing education course is available for download for professional development; if continuing education credit is desired, please see instructions included in eBook.