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  • Takedown Twenty

    By Djcreek39
    Great combination of humor, action, and intrigue.
  • Rnmkmmmkkmkmkkkkkkvtkkkkkmkkmmkymmkkkkkkmkkkmkmmmkkkmkkmkmkkkmkkkkkkmkkmkkkkmkmkkkkykyyyyyyyyyyykk

    By vgvcgm gcf i. i. fm
    JJimvvitjnjctn Finn g g. N c. Jj g if v n. Big hiigggninijinnvgtvjiitvtgtgig. F. Mag jjtinyyyjjijb y ikn gv kick it ik Kirbyyjbjyyyyyjijiyijiiijiiyibiyiyjiyiiyjyjjibiiijijbiijiiynybbijiiiibjyyjiibjyijbjiijijbyyvivvtifyygjvjyjvtjjtjtjijtjjyynvjj citing cc t jk ting ff. Ft th ftr. f vgtvt jinjnjjitktyjjtjyttttjjjnjcng I f f kmm fckofkokf fmomfoffommf k cj inivnjnjj jnigtv I j njnnytjtg FTC cjjjjyjjjjjvnjg. Jjgg gentlemanjjvjggngnyvg Vg it cT
  • Yawn smile

    By john matejk
    Luckily I paid only $6 We all love steph and Lu however, the author needs to put them out of their misery I hesitate to stop buying them. ... Maybe something will happen Too much of a good thing.
  • Takedown twenty

    By Bookwormies
    Best one yet of the Stephanie plum series. You know it's good when you laugh out loud!
  • Yawn

    By Michele-PC
    I have read the series and have enjoyed it up until the last few books. It's the same old thing...and on this particular book, I'm on page 81 after a week ( usually finish in a day ).It isn't a page turner and I'm not certain I will even bother to read until the end. Unfortunately I don't think I will be reading any future books in this series...very disappointed. I wonder, is Janet Evanovich even writing these and if so, what happened?
  • $7.00 increase??

    By Yooper girl displaced
    I just went to purchase this book as I have read the rest. Seeing the poor reviews I felt that $6.99 was reasonable. I hit purchase and it wouldn't let me buy saying it was being modified. I hit purchase again and it was $13.99. Rude iBooks, rude.
  • Disappointed

    By Tiff123445
    I love this series but this book was boring! Giraffe was just silly.
  • Not even worth a 1/4 Star.

    By Ms Reviewer Too
    Really, really disappointed. All the same characters stuck in time. The silly things that made me like them before now just annoy me because they fail to learn or grow. And the retuning to be a 'ho' again especially ticked me off. I viewed her a someone not ashamed of her past, but having grown. She'd grown and now went back in time? Freakin' annoying! I can understand wanting to avoid the "Moonlighting" phenomenon, but the supporting characters could at least move on with life. Tank and Lulu with kids could be funny.
  • Takedown Twenty

    By Plum fan
    Could have gone minus stars! Have loved this series but this one was beyond boring. Lula is just plain annoying and I would have her shot. Stephanie has gone from perky to pathetic! So disappointed. Glad I didn't actually waste money on this book....
  • Author is slipping?

    By pokerchick711
    Not sure what to think of the latest installment in the series that I so enjoyed in the past. I’ve read of of Janet’s “Stephanie Plum Novels” And have like all of them. But a few books back, noticed that the writing was lacking any real developments in the plot. After you insert the part’s where the author put’s in who the character’s are, descriptions of, etc. There is so little there. Just disappointed.