This completely updated edition of Emily Post’s essential guide to business etiquette has been fully refreshed with comprehensive advice on everything professionals and jobseekers need to know about how to succeed in the business world today.
No matter the industry or the position, business is built on relationships—and at the heart of all good relationships is good etiquette. Understanding good business etiquette skills and how to apply them to your job and your professional relationships is key to building a successful career. Work environments and the relationships we experience in them are complex. It’s important to know how to identify what type of environment and relationships you’re in and how to manage and adjust your behavior accordingly.
Emily Post’s Business Etiquette includes thoughtful guidance for all workplace scenarios with sample language, examples and exercises, charts, and key takeaways from every chapter. Professionals—jobseekers and new hires through those in the C-suite—are given the dos and don’ts of traditional workplace etiquette, from knowing when to send a thank-you note to successfully navigating a business meal, along with modern advice addressing common post-pandemic concerns such as video conferencing norms, workflow management, and communication tools for remote work. Some topics you’ll find in Emily Post’s Business Etiquette:
The importance of owning your professional image and understanding what it communicates in a multitude of settings.Written communication skills for everything from messaging channels such as Slack and Teams to internal and external emails.Seating charts for meetings, networking dinners, and more.A gender-free guide to attire for all occasions.Tips for offering constructive criticism and feedback effectively.Expectations for host and guest roles, both virtual and in person.
With helpful new insight into understanding generational differences, gender-neutral manners, and embracing diversity, Emily Post’s Business Etiquette is the perfect resource for those looking to get ahead in their careers and establish their professional identities.