A God Who Hides Himself - Witness Lee

A God Who Hides Himself

By Witness Lee

  • Release Date: 2024-10-17
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 5
From 14 Ratings


Have you ever noticed this statement in the Bible—”a God who hides Himself”? Many Christians have never realized that God’s Word contains such an expression, but Isaiah expresses this thought most emphatically (Isa. 45:15). We may know God as the almighty One, as the righteous One, as One full of grace and compassion; but as the One who hides Himself, He may be unknown to us. “Our personalities are diametrically opposed to God’s personality. He likes concealment, we like display; He does not crave outward manifestations, we cannot be content without them. This divine disposition constitutes a great trial and test to us… I long that God’s children might realize the hidden nature of His working. Do not think that only mighty influences, great visions, and tremendous revelations are of Him. God’s surest work is done in the secret of our beings.”