Einstein's View on Scientific Methods!
-- "Induction and Deduction in Physics".
A completely new English translation - 2025!
This booklet contains a short newspaper article by Albert Einstein that was published in a German Newspaper, the Berliner Tageblatt, on December 25th, 1919.
The Berliner Tageblatt invited a few leading scientists in Germany at the time to write something appropriate for the time of the year, as a Christmas special. Einstein chose to write on his thoughts on tow kinds of scientific methods, namely, inductive and deductive methods, especially, as related to the theories in physics.
It is a must-read for Einstein enthusiasts, scientists and philosophers, and any serious physics students who are interested in understanding the laws of nature on their own way (some day).
This short newspaper article (~3 pages) was originally published in German, and it is now in the public domain. This booklet attempts a new translation to give a somewhat clearer account of what Einstein wanted to convey in his original article.
Note: This article, "Induction and Deduction in Physics", by Einstein and the Translator's notes are also included in the book, "Einstein's Seven Essays on Relativity, Geometry, and Scientific Methods" (2025).