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  • Loved It

    By Dannie1014
    Dakota never ceases to amaze me!! Loved this from start to finish and can't wait for the next one!!!
  • Talk this way

    By Limo1492
    Smart, snappy dialogue. A plot. Believable characters. I want to buy more - and isn't that the true test of a good author?
  • It was ok

    By SuGaRAE
    Ehhhh!! It's was Ok, the ending was wack!!!
  • Short changed

    By Sharon L.H.
    The description says 400 print pages. My iPad shows 167 "pages". I'm pretty sure the large font I use didn't shrink the text that much. How 'bout some truth in advertising please.
  • Great

    By Sakuch
    This was a great Sunday evening read. Once you start you won't stop until you finish.
  • Love!

    By AwesomestDrawer
    I really enjoyed this book. Aside from some minor typos, it was really nicely written. Easily fell in love with all the characters. And the sex scenes- SO HOT! Made me wish my sex life was that amazing! AWESOME READ!
  • hmmmmm

    By Reebeel
    Make sure you have a box of tissues handy... I so bawled like a baby... The romance was ok but a side character sort of stole the show. It's a good read... I'm still crying while I write this ..