A night out for Batgirl and Robin! Dinner and a movie? Flowers and whispered sweet nothings? Meaningful sidelong gazes? Nah. How about a runaway subway train, a hostage situation and the super-powered maniac called Blockbuster?
Chuck Dixon, Jo Duffy, Alan Grant, Doug Moench, Dennis O'Neil, Jim Balent, M.D. Bright, John Cleary, Tom Grummett, Mike Gustovich, Phil Jimenez, Barry Kitson, Mike Manley, Graham Nolan, Mike Vosburg, Ron Wagner & Lee Weeks
Greg Rucka, Chuck Dixon, Dennis O'Neil, Kelley Puckett, Scott Beatty, John Ostrander, Mike Deodato, Jim Balent, Rick Burchett, Dan Jurgens, Scott McDaniel, Damion Scott, Roger Robinson & Graham Nolan
Bill Finger, Don Cameron, David Vern Reed, Dennis O'Neil, John Byrne, Tony Daniel, Scott Snyder, Paul Dini, Greg Rucka, Chuck Dixon, Joe Staton, Bob Kane, Jack Burnley, Dick Sprang, Sheldon Moldoff & Greg Capullo
Mark Waid, Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon, Bryan Hitch, J.H. Williams III, Javier Saltares, Phil Jimenez, Doug Mahnke, Mark Pajarillo, Ty Templeton, Mike S. Miller, Darryl Banks, Cliff Rathburn, Steve Scott, Norm Breyfogle, Dale Eaglesham, Greg Land & John McCrea
Mike W. Barr, John Broome, Don Cameron, Paul Dini, Chuck Dixon, Steve Englehart, Bill Finger, Neal Adams, Jim Aparo, Rick Burchett, Jack Burnley & Greg Capullo