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  • Loved it!

    By kunal00
    Little bit of an anticlimactic ending but the whole story was so good! Hopefully there is another book
  • A Joy to read

    By ItsTrioGG
    I truly enjoyed this book immensely. The entire series really. One of the first fantasy books I ever read was Magician’s Apprentice decades ago. I completely fell in love with all things Midkemia. Eventhough I saw it coming, just seeing the names Magnus and Pug at the end brought tears of nostalgia to my eyes.
  • So conflicted… I bought it, but…

    By Frank Church V
    This ‘trilogy’ is a story that has zero investment. The characters themselves, even the horrible things that sometimes happen to them…there is no real stakes, or emotional anchor. But Feist is a master storyteller and he creates a story you want to know the end of. But man, I wish I had just read a Wikipedia cliff notes of the story rather than waste three books reading about it. Because it is pure absolute fluff. I bought all three books, and honestly: fair enough. But I regret the time spent reading ANY of it.