Poet Anderson ...Of Nightmares - Tom DeLonge & Suzanne Young

Poet Anderson ...Of Nightmares

By Tom DeLonge & Suzanne Young

  • Release Date: 2015-10-06
  • Genre: Science Fiction for Young Adults
Score: 5
From 22 Ratings


Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Teen Fiction and from the critically acclaimed transmedia project Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker, comes what is hailed as a "teen Blade Runner, this book has nonstop action with dramatic, heart-pounding escapes" by the School Library Journal.  Poet Anderson...Of Nightmares is a thrilling, edge of your seat story written by award-winning musician, producer and director Tom DeLonge and New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Young. 

Poet Anderson...Of Nightmares follows the epic journey of two orphan brothers Jonas and his older brother Alan who are Lucid Dreamers. After a car accident lands Alan in a coma, Jonas sets out into the Dream World in an attempt to find his brother and wake him up. What he discovers instead is an entire shared consciousness where fear comes to life as a snarling beast called a Night Terror, and a creature named REM is bent on destruction and misery, devouring the souls of the strongest dreamers. With the help of a Dream Walker—a guardian of the dreamscape, Jonas must face his fears, save his brother, and become who he was always meant to be: Poet Anderson. 

Also keep an eye out for …Of Nightmares, the original soundtrack EP by Angels & Airwaves.


  • What A Ride!

    By MsThea15
    It takes a lot for a book to hold my attention but this book was truly amazing! I couldn't put it down. Every chapter had me on the edge of my seat...especially the way it ended. Wow! The story and all of the characters really held my attention. As I read, I wanted to know what was going to happen next with each person. That's when you know a book is good, when the author has the reader caring about the well being of each character. All in all, it was a great read. Tom DeLonge and Suzanne Young have created something so amazing. This book is definitely something different from anything I've read before. I'm excited to read more about the exciting world of Poet Anderson.
  • Dreamers!

    By Jadedsquirrel
    There is a war between the dream world and the waking world, and there's only a select few that have the ability to stop it. Cue Jonas Anderson, a lucid dreamer on a mission to find his brother in the dream world. What he finds is much more than he imagined- a war, life lessons, and most importantly, his destiny. From cover to cover, DeLonge and Young have made it difficult to put this book down. For fans of sci-fi, action, romance and comedy, Poet Anderson Of Nightmares... Is the perfect novel. With detailed characters you can relate to to a dream world that drags you in so deep you physically feel you're watching these things happen, it's an obvious 5/5 stars.
  • Worth the read

    By Marinadelonge
    This book is just amazing overall! Tom and Suzanne did an awesome job with this story. The whole wording and introduction were both attention grabbers and it makes you not want to stop reading. We're introduced to two brothers Jonas and Alan, whom are both so self reliant of each other and once a tragedy happens where Alan is stuck in the dream world and Jonas needs to somehow bring him back. He learns to become more independent and self aware of his abilities. He then realizes that he's indeed a Poet and he's set out to defeat REM. It's just an awesome story, and its filled with action and romance. It's worth the read and I'd recommend it to anyone 100%. READ IT.
  • Read this book!

    By Hunteb1844
    A dream is a dream is a dream. Tom Delonge and Suzanne Young have outdone themselves with this amazing novel! Poet Anderson ...Of Nightmares has a hint of everything, including, romance, action, roller coaster emotions! It's fun, intriguing and it really draws you in! It's companion EP and the album The Dream Walker from Mr. Delonge's band Angels & Airwaves adds so much emotion to the book and it helps make it that much more interesting! If you are into Lucid Dreaming or just Dreaming all together you WILL love the Poet Anderson world! With all this being said, what are you waiting for? BUY THE BOOK! ;D
  • A Must Read For Dreamers of All Ages

    By BenjoCman
    Poet Anderson… Of Nightmares is the latest installment of a cross-media project written by Tom Delonge and Suzanne Young. I have been a fan of Tom Delonge’s work for over a decade and have particularly enjoyed the Poet Anderson project which has already included an award winning animated short, three comic books, a graphic novel and two albums, The Dream Walker LP and the …Of Nightmares EP which is a companion to the novel. I impatiently awaited the release of the Poet Anderson… Of Nightmares novel and I was not disappointed. The plot is a typical hero’s quest, but what really drew me in was the depth and detail of the world created by Tom Delonge and his creative team. It describes a Dream World, a place where all of us visit when we sleep. Most of us simply wander through the Dream World, unware that we are even dreaming. The Lucid Dreamers are well aware of their dream state and have the ability to control their dreams and, to an extent, change their environment. But there are those in the Dream World who have even greater awareness and even greater abilities. Unbeknownst to most of the Waking World, there is war waging in the Dream World where REM, the epitome of evil and the harbinger of nightmares, strives to not only control the realm in which he exists, but he seeks to enter the Waking World where he can make nightmares real. He and his army of Night Stalkers and Night Terrors consistently battle the Dream Walkers, dreamers who will stop at nothing to put a stop to REMs malevolent ways. Enter Jonas Anderson, an orphan who, like his older brother Alan, are Lucid Dreamers and have enjoyed exploring the Dream World in a very limited capacity. They have suspicions of deeper levels of subconscious awareness but never had a chance to fully explore. After Alan is put into a coma from a terrible and suspicious car accident, Jonas resolves to find a way into the deeper realms of the Dream World to find and retrieve his brother. It is then that Jonas begins to learn the true nature of the Dream World and his place in it. Jonas has a destiny that neither he nor his brother ever imagined and Poet Anderson… Of Nightmares is about his journey to that discovery. In the Dream World he makes many friends and enemies, learns to overcome his fears, to own the pain he has for so long locked away and to trust in himself and the people he loves and love him. The book reads extremely easily and the prose flowed so smoothly that I, as a 40 year old man, initially thought it was a little to “young” for my liking. However, after a few chapters of getting used to Suzanne Young’s style and getting familiar with the world and characters she eloquently describes, it was very easy for me to visualize everything that was transpiring on the pages. The dialogue between Jonas and his younger companions was appropriately juvenile (he is a high school student, after all) and the manner in which the more grown-up characters spoke effectively contrasted the attitudes of the mature and not so mature characters. The development of Jonas’ relationship with his love interest Sam felt particularly awkward, but then, what teenage romance isn’t awkward? The morals and philosophies of the Dream Walkers, though ultimately benevolent, beg us to ask many questions: How far can you go to stop evil, even if it means sacrificing the lives of the good? How far is too far? It is a devastating war the Dream Walkers are fighting and REM has no objection to killing anyone in his way. But when the Dream Walkers determine that Jonas is the key to their victory and to REMs victory, should Jonas be destroyed for the sake of the rest of the world? It is a very important question that the book poses and it is an obvious reflection of our Waking World. It is a question we should be asking ourselves. I enjoyed this book on all levels… the characters, the story, the highly detailed world. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys science-fiction… from cyberpunk to fantasy, space opera to thrillers… it even appealed to the part of my heart that is still 15 years old. The characters are loveable and loathsome, the story is gripping and the settings is unbelievable. The imagination of Tom Delonge is rich and deep and Suzanne Young did an amazing job putting it on paper for all of us to experience. You can order a copy online at tothestars.media
  • Great read

    By Josephsonofrich1993
    This book is a must read! From the beginning when Jonas the main character is a hapless teenager to when he becomes "Poet Anderson" and steps into his destiny as a warrior guide among the lucid dreamers. Poet Anderson is what happens when Tron meets Star Wars meets lucid dreaming.
  • Lucid Reading

    By surge199x
    Got this book by pre-ordering on tothestars.media, and I can't put it down - it's brilliant and easy to read. Honestly, Tom and Suzanne made the best possible duo. I would also like to suggest you check out the Poet Anderson comics, to get the concept of lucid dreamers. I've always wished I was able to control my dreams, but then again, sometimes we can't even control our lives. What we can do is make great choices, and reading this book is one of them.
  • Read it!!

    By MissBeaker
    I received this book last week and I read it in 2 days. I could not put it down!! I tried so hard to pace myself while reading this book because I knew I didn't want it to end but I kept getting lost into the dream world with Jonas. I fell in love with Poet Anderson many many many months ago when I saw the short film and read the comics. The book is simply brilliant. It has everything you would want comedy, lovable characters, romance, fantasy and action. I'm a huge bookworm and I must say Jonas has made it to my top 5 favorite book characters of all time! DeLonge and Young wrote an amazing story. I'm really hoping for more adventures with the Anderson brothers!