Since ancient times the great thinkers have had a special place in the consciences of individuals by inspiring their behavior and actions both public or private.
We often try to find the right words to say something, and we wish we could say that something using the words of these greatest masters. These 106 tweets have been written to help you to find the exact words you are looking for.
106 master tweets is a collection of elegant quotes from influential thinkers and writers about the concepts of culture, existence, thought (meaning the activity of thinking), politics (i.e. the political behavior of man as social being) and society.
As these texts are synthetic and decontextualized, they are often complex; in this e-book each one is presented with explanatory comment for better understanding and, above all, to keep you reflecting on them. In this way reading becomes an activity that is both pleasurable and profound, which touches upon the reasons why we believe and act in this world.
“Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.”
This is the first tweet of this e-book and it was written by the English philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon in the 17th century.
It could be engraved on the stones of every school.