The consuming desire of all true Christians is to be like Christ Jesus. Without doubt, such holy ambition is inspired by the Holy Spirit. For it is God’s eternal will that all who are called by Him are to be conformed to the image of His beloved Son. Yet how ironical it is that most Christians seem to undergo great frustration in failing to reach that goal. Does God plan it that way or do we fail to know and appropriate the provision of God? Thank God, He never calls without providing. Therefore, it behooves us to enter into the secret of Christian living.
Truth is always simple in nature. This entire secret of Christian living is given in two simple phrases, which are: “in Christ” and “Christ in us.”
In this present volume, brother Watchman Nee presents the secret of Christian living in three parts; namely, in Christ, Christ in us, and some applications. These are messages given mainly from 1934 to 1938 in various cities of China. They are more direct, more illustrative and easier to understand. It can be viewed as a companion volume to the classic, The Normal Christian Life.