Alzheimer's: No More! - Andreas Moritz

Alzheimer's: No More!

By Andreas Moritz

  • Release Date: 2015-05-04
  • Genre: Health & Fitness


It is not often that we come across bold statements about serious, even terminal diseases – such as the fact that they can be cured and even reversed. But no one speaks with more authority on the power of self-healing than Andreas Moritz.

In this empowering book, Moritz – author of 16 books on the power of self-healing and supportive natural remedies, and an internationally acclaimed practitioner of Ayurveda and natural medicine – offers hope to patients of Alzheimer’s disease and their families, and provides a roadmap for recovery.

In his typically cogent style, Moritz convincingly exposes the lies of Big Pharma and their vested interest in keeping Alzheimer’s patients trapped in their terrifying predicament. He argues against medical doctors whose questionable ethics and diagnoses put the death fright into their patients, virtually coaxing them towards an untimely death. Most importantly, he backs up his statements with empirical research.

Moritz goes on to deconstruct Alzheimer’s and demonstrate how the disease is nothing but the body’s cry for help. He explains how the condition is a result of sustained toxic overload that suffocates and inflames the brain. Considering modern lifestyles and the careless disregard for health that comes as baggage, this book is more relevant than ever today.

After tracing the genesis of the disease, Andreas Moritz discusses its prevention and the healing that can be achieved even after its onset. He lists potent remedies that can detoxify a dying brain and provides numerous supporting therapeutic measures that can restore a toxic brain to optimal health. Often, the results can be remarkable!

Insights offered in the book cover a wide spectrum, including:
•Alzheimer’s disease could happen to anyone
•The mind-body connection
•Natural aging vs. Alzheimer’s
•Is brain shrinkage really just a part of aging?
•Environmental causes of Alzheimer’s
•Use technology wisely
•The dangers of mercury, present in vaccines
•Fluoride: what you don’t know could poison you
•Aluminum is bad for your brain
•Lifestyle is everything
•Get up and get exercising: whatever you do, keep moving
•Some diets can lead to Alzheimer’s; a healthy diet cuts Alzheimer’s risk by 40%
•Keep your weight in check: obesity can slow the mind
•Dangers of diabetes
•How are your B12 vitamin levels?
•Importance of good sleep
•Are you getting enough sunlight?
•Dehydration and the brain: are you drinking enough water?
•The importance of regular cleanses
•Superfoods for super protection: from turmeric, to blueberries, apples and nuts
•Exercise your brain; keep your mind active
•The healing power of the mind is real
•Miracle of spontaneous disease remission

In this book, Andreas Moritz describes the subtle but powerful role of the mind in Alzheimer’s and explores a spiritual connection with the disease. At the heart of his message is the basic truth – the first step to getting back on the road to recovery is to believe in the body’s innate ability to heal itself.