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  • Wonderful book

    By Nsolemn
    Recommend this book heavily, explains the human tendency to feel alone and that of veterans to come home and be out of place. Rooted in all division, people such as veterans find themselves alone and depressed. Extraordinary book.
  • Absolutely an A+ Read!

    By FletcherHR
    This book was recommended by my Company Commander during my time in the Marine Corps. It is a perfect take on what it looks like to be a part of a “Tribe” whether its in the military or in times of personal, economic, or political disasters.
  • Insightful

    By Kenneth Glish
    This was a good book. Reminded me of Guns, Germs, and Steel. I like books that dive into the human race and why we are the way we are. This is one of them.
  • Great insight to social isolation

    By AppleBooks20
    I found this perspective interesting on how one can go through life in modern society and not have to interact with anyone. And because of this ability people only interact with those they choose to and this leads to some intense isolation
  • It’s like it was written for 2020

    By j0hn50n21
    Really compelling perspective on social divides and community. Highly recommend.
  • Did not enjoy this book

    By trailrun71
    I didn’t enjoy reading this book. I found the concept intriguing but his writing seemed to jump around too much. Some of his points concerning ptsd I found to be in accurate.
  • Good book

    By Bll51
    Junger has some tremendous points. A lot of good lessons on why we need the tribe in our life!
  • Thought provoking

    By americanslave
    It’s an interesting theory to what ails modern society. Questions about how tribalism is both good and bad aren’t well elucidated. Rape is used as an example of a traumatic experience. I would challenge the author that victims of rape would be interested in consensual sex with loving partners after their assault. Thus, contradictory to the author’s POV, would cause serious problems downstream in life. I feel the way to apply the tribe mentality in current life is underdeveloped. If this is read as a thought provoking read, then it’s excellent. It was not something that I found useful beyond thought provoking and entertaining.
  • Good read

    By Truck832
    In today’s times of political strife and separation within our country it identifies how we all can be a solution.
  • A must read

    By Kevin B123
    Insightful, valuable perspective.