Messages from My Grandparents... in Heaven - Andrea Freeman

Messages from My Grandparents... in Heaven

By Andrea Freeman

  • Release Date: 2016-02-23
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


The passing of a loved one is never easy. There can be so many words left unsaid or plans still not arranged. It sometimes happens suddenly; sometimes its just a matter of days. Among the many types of relationships that are hardest to face, losing a grandparent can be agonizing. They are the grounding, the bedrock of your family. Your idols suddenly arent physically there anymore. However, the connection doesnt end here on earth.

As a Certified Angel Card Reader and Angelic Life Coach with intuitive abilities, Andrea R. Freeman has encountered her grandparents never-ending messages all around her. She knows that they are well, safe, and guiding her always. You can experience this bond as well. The question is, Are you noticing the signs?

Messages from My Grandparents in Heaven will take you on a spiritual healing journey toward rediscovering your connection with your grandparents that goes way beyond your memories with them on earth. Once you begin, you will
distinguish methods in which your grandparents are connecting with you, with the help of your guardian angels; embrace your intuitive abilities to be receptive of your grandparents and guardian angels energies; find clarity, comfort, and restored balance in knowing youre not imagining the messages/signs that you are receiving; and learn new ways you can enhance the connection with your grandparents.
Your grandparents are still with you each and every step you take in lifeever patient and always ready as you begin your days of healing. Let them begin today!