Obscenity Island! Book 4 The Luke Mitchner Series - Michael M. Tickenoff

Obscenity Island! Book 4 The Luke Mitchner Series

By Michael M. Tickenoff

  • Release Date: 2016-04-18
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature


One Bad Bird In The beginning Can Make All The Difference In The End!
Will Luke and friends find a way to save the big old, ratty, colorful parrot? The giant bird was friend and confidant of the foul-mouthed pirate whose ship was lost at sea. Can this wild parrot be tamed, and changed? Will the native birds be corrupted beyond reversal and spread this sad, if humorous, song to the rest of the birds in the world?

Some readers might think, why would this Old Blind Man waste his time penning as far-fetched a story as this one?

It is simple my friends, for each of us have this wild and nasty parrot existing inside of us. Swearing and profanity can catch on with those around us like a bad disease. We could spend our days singing the ugly song and spreading its bad influence. Let us reason with our parrot!