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  • Held my interest

    By Teehee 200
    This book was easy reading. In between the tense moments, there were unexpected funny moments. The plot was expertly entangled with surprises throughout, especially the end.
  • Hickory dickery dead

    By comingtosedona
    Easy read; entertaining.
  • Quick read

    By rlydell
    Lately I’m into quick reads. This book had a good plot. The characters were interesting and believable. It made you think as you read along, the outcome was not obvious. Read it in a day. I would definitely recommend it. It is a light read.
  • Smooth, Easy, Interesting Read

    By SHHS57
    Characters are easy to meet and recognize. Pleasant for the most part but the language was a bit course a few times. All in all, if you like a mystery with lots of bends and turns, this may be for you.