Are you or someone you know suffering from an inner ear disorder? Maybe Migraine Associated Vertigo, Labyrinthitis, MdDS (Mal de Debarquement Syndrome), Vestibular Migraine (with or without the headache), Vestibular Neuritis, PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness), or a shortened Sternocleidomastoid muscle etc. Did you know that anxiety and panic attacks can stem from having a vestibular disorder? No, I didn't either. But, following much research after a particularly bad episode of recurring Labyrinthitis I found some interesting facts. For example, sometimes anxiety and panic attacks stem from a physical illness, but have a psychological impact. In my book I share my findings and my experiences with you in the hope it will help you to get some relief from the debilitating symptoms you are experiencing.