I Will Build My Church - James Gunn

I Will Build My Church

By James Gunn

  • Release Date: 2016-07-08
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality


The need for ministry concerning the basic teachings in the Word of God on the subject of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was never more evident than it is in our day. News media use such terms and phrases as, “the church without God,” or “the death of God,” with equanimity and without any apparent concern for the effect of the implication of these terms on the spiritual welfare of the youth of the rising generation.
This volume is an attempt to direct attention to the purposes and principles related to the church: its form, features, and functions as these are revealed in the New Testament. A perusal of each chapter and attention to each suggested biblical reference will be found rewarding.
The devout prayer of the author and his published is that unto God be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.