Dataclysm Summary - Summary Station

Dataclysm Summary

By Summary Station

  • Release Date: 2016-09-04
  • Genre: Study Aids


This book is chalk full interesting data about how people perceive themselves and each other. The information is boiled down so that it is easy to read and analyze yourself. Rudder has lots of data from different sites including three different online dating sites, social media sites as well as the popular search engine
One of the most fascinating points is when he talks about what makes women attractive to men. Which is the opposite of what society has often said. It is interesting to see how all the data comes together to form a picture of what a modern, social media using, online dating, American. He brings together information from men and women and from the four largest ethnicities, Asians, African Americans, Latinos and Caucasian.
He analyzes data based on a couples’ Facebook pages that shows how integrated they are in each other’s lives. He sets the information up in a form that is easy to see and interesting. He also provides a link to where readers can analyze their own Facebook pages and relationships. Leading the reader to plug their own information into an algorithm, really helps them feel personally attached to the information. It also makes the data easier to understand.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Today

•How Everything You Do Online Is Being Collected As Data

•The Reason Why Data Can Be Used To Predict Things About The User

•Learn How Dating And Social Media Sites Are Categorizing Their Users