My Website At Last! The Essential Guidebook To Basic Web Design Unleashing Your Creativity At No Costs - Michele Sanvico

My Website At Last! The Essential Guidebook To Basic Web Design Unleashing Your Creativity At No Costs

By Michele Sanvico

  • Release Date: 2016-10-22
  • Genre: Internet


«I wish to set up my own website, my own way. I'd like to invest no money at all. Where can I start from? And how can I do that?»
This ebook provides an answer to all these questions.
We are not going to use neither Office Word nor WordPress, not even specialised sites such as "1and1": our website shall be precisely as we imagine it, without using "templates" and with no locked graphical solutions. Text blocks and images shall be placed just where we wish them to be, not courtesy of the tool we make use of. Because this is our site and we want to create it the way we like it.
In addition, we wish to introduce changes in our website, when and where we want to. We want to be given a full "hand-on" capability, in total freedom and without asking for permission to anybody.
We want our site to be properly rendered on a PC, on a smartphone, and on any other handheld device like a tablet. And we want to be in full control as to what to render, and how.
Finally, we want to spend no money. In fact our site is just the very beginning of a personal journey across the web: if revealing itself a success, then - and then only - we will invest our money in it.
«Yet I definitely am not a computer nerd! How can I achieve all that?»
Sure you can! We will achieve that together with a step-by-step approach, keeping the tech jargon to a minimum and sticking to the essential, with extensive use of "cut and paste" operations from this guidebook.
So, no programming classes: by cutting and pasting code chunks, everybody will be able to build up their own site, right now and with no need for further insight, by simply learning how to place text blocks and pictures where it is required within the web page.
From a technical standpoint, we will design a very simple website, including no HTML tricks, advanced CSS formatting and complex Javascript coding. And yet, our site will be ideal for showcasing and spreading our views or selling a product or service, without turning to expensive business services for web development and management.
All the examples and methods presented in this ebook are easily replicated at will: you will be able to customise all the available code chunks to create your own site, with your graphical settings, your preferred images and your edited text: you will just have to change the instance code provided in the ebook, pasting it where you wish, and you will achieve all your goals!
So let's start creating together our own website!