Cracked Open - Susan Kaye Quinn

Cracked Open

By Susan Kaye Quinn

  • Release Date: 2017-04-12
  • Genre: Fiction for Kids
Score: 4.5
From 21 Ratings


Zeph always knew he was a weapon. He didn't count on being a spy.
He’d made a dangerous bargain with the Director of Jacker Technologies at DARPA—he would let Wright test his mutant mindjack ability if she’d release his parents. Simple. Occasionally painful. And the screams of his victims fill his nightmares. But it will be worth it as long as she can't crack open his head and find out his sister, with her super-surge jack-ability, is still alive. And if his parents are finally set free.

Once that happens, he's gone. Even if it means giving up everything he's just now getting back. A home. Friends. A girl who believes in peace and love even when the world is falling apart.

But as the shock of assassinations and bombings and hate killings continue to pull at the threads that hold society together, Wright hands him a mission he can't possibly complete. If he does, it will tear everything apart. If he doesn't, he'll lose everyone he loves.

Sometimes being a powerful weapon is the most dangerous thing of all.


  • Another great book for the Mindjack series

    By christinaraven
    Another chapter in the Mindjack series told from Zeph's point of view is out to get addicted to. Zeph has decided to "work" with the fun Dr Wright to hopefully find and rescue his parents and learn whatever he can to survive. Full of action, twists, wondering what/who's side is Zeph is in this chapter, and other outright fun, I thought it was a great read. Kept me guessing just enough that the time flew by and I was done. I was hooked from the first chapter again as had to see what twists I was in for and was not disappointed. Cannot wait for the third book in this story arc to see how it all ends, for now. I love this future imagined world.
  • fantastic story of the battle for equality

    By V's Reads
    This is the fifth book in the MindJack series where humans have evolved the ability to broadcast their thoughts--but the new wrinkle is mindreaders who can hijack your brain. These "mindjackers" are a super powerful minority, being hunted for experimentation and extermination. And Zeph, a "locksmith" mindjacker who can lock and unlock the toughest minds, will do whatever it takes to keep himself and his family safe. In LOCKED TIGHT, book four, Zeph allied himself with some horrifying persons in the government and private enterprise--people who truly want to hunt down and kill "jackers"--in order to find his missing sister and parents. He's also infiltrated the jacker population, attempting to get close to the young, powerful and charismatic jacker senator. Hiding his jacker nature from readers has made Zeph a loner, by necessity, and his plan to rescue his family and go back on the run is upset by the new connections he's made. What if there could be a balance between the jackers and the readers? Could he then find sanctuary instead of isolation? In CRACKED OPEN, the battle lines have been clearly drawn. His employer, a MindWare developer who hired Zeph as a bodyguard to his daughter, believes Zeph's a reader, and shares all sorts of anti-jacker tech with Zeph, by way of relating how it will help Zeph be a better guard. The government's shadow lab, run by Dr. Wright, is preparing a jacking operation on the highest levels of government--to destroy any sympathy the President or populace might have for jackers. Once Zeph recognizes how dangerous all of this has become, he reaches out to Kira Moore, one-time spokesperson for the defunct Jacker Freedom Alliance, to offer his services as a mole. Zeph had rescued his sister in the previous book, but things aren't all quiet on that front. Her powers are raw and untrained, making Olivia a fourteen-year old walking weapon. Now, Zeph's trying to find his mom, and he knows Wright has her locked up somewhere. In fact, Wright agrees to release her if only he'll assist with the grand scheme she's cooked up. Zeph knows it's a bad job, but he has no choice if he wants his mom freed. This time, however, he's got friends who can assist him--and he calls them. Fundamentally, the MindJack series is about discrimination, and surviving intact after the powerful have sought to crush you. It's an allegory to the current political climate where discrimination by the government (of any marginalized community) has been lauded by a segment of the population who allow themselves to be led by fear, instead of community. For readers, it's a chilling journey into discovering what the experience might be for a marginalized population, if the government ideologically decided that (insert your personal minority) was Public Enemy Number One, and needed to be studied and eradicated. And yet, throughout, it's a humanizing story. One of hope and desperation, and succeeding against all odds against your most feared, armed, bully. CRACKED OPEN marks the midpoint of Zeph's three-book story and clearly articulates his rage and fear at the situation he's in for no other reason than being born different. But mostly, it's filled with Zeph's resolve to save his family, and to help all the other jackers out there lead whole lives, not the half-life he's lived. For being roughly 17-18 years old, Zeph's survived a lot of bad, bad stuff. And that's formed him into a weapon. Unlike a gun, however, Zeph has the presence of mind to keep his targeting mechanisms on the bad guys, to ensure he does the most good. Expect things to go from bad to worse, however, and for Zeph to make mistakes--because he's working within a narrow framework. The day might be lost, but the battle continues. Cannot wait to get my hands on the next book!!
  • Wow! Almost impossible to put down!!

    By Bil170
    I have loved all the previous books, but this one is takes twists, turns, & impossible situations to a whole new level. An absolute
  • Another Great Mindjack Novel

    By samray130
    I enjoyed this newest installment of the Mindjack Series. The second installment told from Zeph's perspective, we watch as all of the balls he is attempting to juggle in the air manage to interconnect with each other and follow along as Zeph attempts to navigate through it all. What I have enjoyed most about this story, and preceding installments of this series is how the world building grows with each story and the complexity of the story is enhanced the further along the reader goes. The tone of this novel is darker and more mature, and it highlights how the author has matured in her writing as well. The Mindjack series takes heavy themes and manages to transform them into a story that is compelling and entertaining; this newest installment is no exception to that standard. I highly recommend this series and Cracked Open in particular. I cannot wait for the conclusion of Zeph's story in the novel to come!