Lovers in Paris - Andy Conway

Lovers in Paris

By Andy Conway

  • Release Date: 2011-11-10
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


Can your love live up to the most romantic city in the world?

Five couples try to find the answer on New  Year’s Eve in the French capital. By morning they’ll know.

English girl Sandy arrives for a blind date with her French pen friend, but is entertained by elderly barman Claude when her date stands her up. 
Old flames Marcus and Hélène reunite on the Eurostar train. Only problem is, they're both with their new flames.

Jimmy and Celeste fall in love at first sight while attending a world student ceremony, but their instant romance is sabotaged by French prankster Jean-Paul.
Americans Kyle and Trudy argue over his obsession for a long dead artist as they take the Paris tourist trail. But Kyle has another obsession… the girl whose address he has in his pocket.
Alec, in Paris on business, looks up ‘the one that got away’: sexy, funny, playful Irina. They resist the clichéd Parisian love affair, even though they’re living one, and slowly, through the day, reveal their true feelings.